Sunday, June 6, 2010


Again, I'm using my broken screen laptop to write some stuff today. A lot of thing had occurred to me for the last few days. Which I dont know how to write all that stuff. If something bad happen to you, what would you guys do first. Telling you partners, forget about it or keep it for yourself. which one of these would you preferred to do.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Not me

First of all, I would like to say that, I'm writing this article using my laptop. Yeah, I know. I'm not supposed to do this, but hey, what the hell. Who cares right?

I already uploaded some of my entry into this blog. Just read it and I dont wanna know what you are thinking about my entry. Enjoy reading it

1 week to go

Today is 27 may 2010, one week from now my result for final exam will be out. I dont know what to say. I'm so nervous right know. I'm just got back from Jakarta. So tired and then I find out that my result will be out for next friday. So spooky.

It is hard to be on top. For me no 2 is still on top. If you cant manage it, dont try to be success. Cause it might harm you. That is my experience. All of your friend might call you genius even if you dont study. So, I decided not to be on top for the next semester. I just want to be a regular student who always prayed to God. Chills


Today is 24 may 2010, and I assume that you guys who read this article may get a little bit confusing because the date are not same with the date i uploaded this article. If you guys still remember my post before this, as I said, i wrote all my entry using my nokia E72.

Today is my first day at Jakarta. My emotion is little bit confusing since arrived in here. Sometimes i'm happy and sometimes i get sad. Naah, I dont care about that. This will be my first and last in Jakarta unless if someone in Malaysia is crazy enough to vote me for Prime Minister position, then I will be in here again for diplomatic duty.

Jakarta is good, but Kuala Lumpur is way better than that. However we cannot treat them like the way we do in Malaysia. From now on, we need to learn the good side of theirs. They are hard working, patience and treat outsider like we are apart of them. This is the good side.

Foreigners who came to Malaysia might said something like this to us, but for me who comes from Malaysia and went to Jakarta, I would like to say that they are better than us but their geographic made them felt like they are left behind from us.

So, what should we do right know????


As usual, i'm only writing my article when i'm bored. Right now, i'm in the middle of nowhere. Just so you know, i'm typing this article at mid valley..haha. Tomorrow, i will be going to jakarta. This is my first time going to "oversea" since i'm 3 years old where that time i'm flew to istanbul. Tonight will be the night that i will pack my belongings.


Hmmm, for someone out there who read my blog, I would like to tell you something, I'm using my phone, Nokia E72 to write all my entry.

I will never use my laptop to wrote all my entry. The reason why I'm not using it because everytime I sit in front of my laptop, I dont know what to do besides facebooking. Some of you might think that this is hillarious, but I'm telling you this a true story.

Using my phone to write something for my blog actually quite good for me. I'm writing all my entry during ceramah, tazkirah, lecture and so on. I'm not wasting my time for something that is useless like some of my friend. They love to hang out at mall. And we can call them as a mallrat.

p/s: aku type article ni time tazkirah kat surau area rumah aku..time ni ust hassan syukri tgh mengaja tafsir

new age

This is my first entry for my blog. Actually this is my old blog, however I trash all my article so that no one can read my old post.

I try my best to wrote this post in english. Naah, actually my friend keep asking me about my blog. I told her that my blog is just for me and not for someone else. However I change my mind, i deleted all my old post and I will give her my url. Spooky right??

So, what I'm going to write right now? Hmmm....what do you want to read...

Share with me what do you want to read, and I will try my best to write it and it will be special for you